I will post the videos of the interview questions once they have been edited.
Levi Roots on Prezi
This information will be very helpful and beneficial when i make my own documentary.
Nature Documentaries are very popular amongst many people all accross the world. The genre covers animals and wildlife as well as different climates and areas, all over the world. Some can be very old talking about how the earth has formed over time and others talk about more recent topics, such as pollution and global warming. Most of the time the subject is filmed in its natural habitat. Usually these types of documentay tend to be broadcasted on terrestrial television as well as on digital tv, there are some channels dedicated to nature documentaries, such as, Animal Planet and The Discovery Channel. Although most of these nature documentaries are broadcasted on television, some are also made for the cinema.
One of the most famous documentaries that Nick Broomfield had directed was an expository documentary, called, "Aileen Wuornos: Life and Death of a Serial Killer." This was about a phsycotic prisoner who was held at death row for twelve years before being executed by a lethal injection. The prisoner was famous because it was the first female serial killer, in the history of America. Not only did Broomfield direct this documentary but he also played a big part in it as he was with Aileen throughout a majority of the documentary talking to her and interviewing her. I had watched this documentary and found some points very useful and interesting, which i might use when it comes to producing my own documentary...
Below is a trailer for this documentary...
You can watch the full documentary by following the link below:
Broomfield has also directed five commercials for the car, Volkswagen Passat. A trailer for these commercials can be found by clicking on the links below:
Slacker Uprising
Fahrenheit 9/11
Attempt Number Two...