Thursday 23 September 2010

Ideas and Topics for our Own Documentary...

As we will have to start to think about our own short documentary, i needed to come up with various topics of which the documentary will be based on. In my group there are only two of us, and although this means that there will be a larger workload between us, there will be less error with regards to communication that can be found with larger groups. I had met up with my group member (Lauren) after school, to discuss some of the topics that would be interesting for our documentary, some of the ideas we came up with are as follows...

  • A short mockumentary, viewing the lives of abnormal people

  • Drugs in sport

  • The effect of video games, related to violence

  • To what extent does the media have an impact on our body image

  • Fashion - then and now

  • Global Warming

  • Economic Crisis

  • Recent Topics. e.g. recent wars, swine flu.

  • Technology, then and now

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