Sunday 12 September 2010

Researching Documentaries - Poetic Documentaries

As I had mentioned earlier during my first post, a poetic documentary is a style of documentary, in which the topic is portrayed in a "story-like" way. There are many different topics that poetic documentaries focus on that appeal to a varying demographic, over a wide area.

I had created a PowerPoint Presentation about poetic documentaries and had presented it to my class. If you find the pictures to small to read, simply click on them to enlarge...

One of the poetic documentaries that i had taken the time to watch over my summer break was a Channel Five series, called, Extaordinary People. It is about certain people all accross the world who obtain unique qualities, physically or an extraordinary talent. The shows how the individual lives their everyday life and there is usually a number of interviews with the individual, as well as with the friends friends and family of the person.

An extract from this series can be found below:

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