For our last advertisment, we decided to use the bottle with the information written on it once again. This is because we believed it to be a clever concept as well as being appealing to the consumer as it is bold and eye-catching. Rather than having a close up of the bottle like we did last time, we thought to have the bottle amongst other things that are blured but having, only the bottle in focus. I placed the bottle in my kitchen cupboard and Lauren took a photo of it using an SLR camera so the image looked clear, crisp and professional. Here is what the image looked like before it had been at all edited:

We then edited the photo on Adobe photoshop CS2. All we did is apply a simple "lens blur" to the whole image. This made the whole image blury. We then used a "history brush" tool on the bottle which brought the bottle back to it's original state. Then we added a brief description at the bottom of the picture. The description is the same as the one on the first supporting piece because we did not want to make them all different, however we realised that we spelt phenomenon wrong! However, this is only a draft and the mistake can easily be rectified.
Here is the edited picture:

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