We then got a picture of the bottle with our own label on it that we used for our previous advertisiments. Here is a screenshot of us merging the picture of the bottle with the tree...

Here is what our poster looked like so far...
We didnt think that the lighting effect we used was strong enough, although you can tell that the areas around the bottle and text are lighter, we wanted something more bold. We also thought that we wanted a difefrent caption for the poster that relates to the image, we wanted to keep the caption short, sweet and simple and in the end we decided for the caption to be "Levi Roots: An Overnight Success?" We thought that this relates to the poster as the word "Success" is illustrated by the money. Also the fact that its a question keeps the audience engaged, making them want to know more. We also noticed that there are branches coming out of the tree making the image look more unprofessional. To eradicate this issue we used a "healing tool" on Photoshop which helped to patch the money over the areas with the branches. Overall our final poster with all the amendments. If you cannot see the image clearly, then simply click on the image to enlarge. You may then click on the image again to enlarge further...

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