Thursday 10 March 2011

Supporting Piece Second Attempt - Feedback

The feedback recieved from other Media Studies students as well as our media studies teacher was very positive. Some of the points they liked about poster was:

  • Crisp photo taken with an SLR camera.
  • White background makes the bottle stand out.
  • The photo is taken at an angle as opposed to straight on. This gives the poster more character and engages the consumer.
  • It was a clever concept to have the title and of the documentary on the bottle.
  • The font used for the description on the side is the same as the font on the bottle so the poster flows better and is easy to understand.

For all of these reasons stated above, myself and Lauren have decided to use this poster as part of our advertising campaign. It is apparent that having the writing on the bottle was a clever concept and we may use the same bottle in another one of our advertisments.

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